
Other academic activities besides publications.

Participation in Research Projects

  • Development of an intelligent chatbot to assist the teaching/learning process in educational and technological subjects. Project Manager: Dr. Sonia Guadalupe Mendoza Chapa. Participants: Luis Martín Sánchez-Adame, Dr. José Guadalupe Rodríguez García and Dr. Amilcar Meneses Viveros. Role: Participant. Funding Agency: SEP-CINVESTAV (Call 2018). Number of project 120. Amount: $396,505 MXN (≈ $19,413.50 USD). Period: January 2018 - March 2021.

Program Committee Memberships

I’ve participated in the technical committee of the following conferences:

Work as a Reviewer

I’ve reviewed papers for the following (JCR) journals:

Science Outreach

Professional Memberships

I’m a professional member of the following associations: